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Advice Alerts

Soybean hedge advice

SOYBEAN HEDGE RECOMMENDATION: Buy May 2025 soybean futures at $10.64 stop-close-only against 10% of 2024 production to exit the current short position. By stop-close-only, we mean if May soybeans trade…

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Soybean hedge advice

Grains firm, led by wheat, weaker dollar

Soybean hedge, cash marketing recommendations

Feeder cattle hedge advice

Cash corn, soybean sales

Corn, Cotton, Feed Buying Hedge; Cash Corn Sales

Corn, cotton hedge; cash corn sales

Live cattle, feeder cattle hedge advice

Corn – Cash & Hedge Advice

Hog hedge advice

Wheat Futures Extend Gains on Weak Dollar

Feed buying advice


Corn hedge advice

Live cattle, feeder cattle hedge advice

Cotton hedge advice