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Market Edge

February Crop Production & USDA Supply & Demand

There was no change to the U.S. balance sheet aside from expected average price for corn and soybeans, but the global picture improved today. USDA lowered South America corn and…

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February Crop Production & USDA Supply & Demand

Jan. WASDE, Crop Production, Qtrly Stocks, Wheat Seeding

December WASDE

November WASDE and Crop Production

October WASDE and Crop Production

Sep. 1 Grain Stocks & Quarterly Hogs and Pigs – Market Edge

September WASDE & Crop Production

August WASDE and Crop Production – Market Edge

July WASDE – Lifts Corn, Whacks Wheat

June Planted Acreage & Quarterly Stocks

June USDA Supply & Demand – Market Edge with Richard Brock

May USDA Supply & Demand – Market Edge with Richard Brock

USDA Cuts US Corn Supply, Leaves South America’s Unchanged

April USDA S&D – Market Edge with Richard Brock

Prospective Plantings SHOCK – Low Corn Acres Delights the Bulls

Snoozer Report But Surging Prices