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Ryan Olson

Ryan Olson

Marketing Consultant / Broker

Ryan began his career 25 years ago at the Kansas City Board of Trade with LFG. Within six months he was transferred to the company’s headquarters in Chicago. He was the broker for legendary trader Larry Williams and traveled the country with him doing seminars.

In 2004 he started his own trading firm and moved to Dallas, Tex. He brought his clients to the Brock team in 2020 and is now the Branch Manager of the Dallas office. Ryan consults with producers and companies in Texas and around the country to help manage risk. He also works with many individual speculators, trading in a wide variety of markets. As a trader, Ryan often looks for opportunities in options and spreads.

A Nebraska native, Ryan’s family owned a livestock auction barn in Fremont, where he detasseled corn as a kid. He is a graduate of the University of Nebraska. In his free time, you may find Ryan golfing, grilling out and cheering on the Huskers.

You can contact Ryan at 414-540-2624 or at rolson@brockreport.com